The Life ReNewed Program applies these simple dietary and lifestyle


Eat Real, Whole foods
Turn-on the possibilities

First Phase. Elimination, 20 Days

The Life ReNewed Program begins by eliminating the foods and toxins that are known to damage the gut for 30 days*.  This is an opportunity to reset your palate, reduce your inflammation, and drop any weight you may not want hanging around. Because there are many foods in our Standard American Diet (SAD) that cause inflammation and are riddled with toxins, it can make it difficult for our bodies to absorb essential nutrients, and can be the culprit behind leaky gut and DisEase.  

                                                                                    Eliminate to feel great

    *For specific conditions, specialized elimination instructions are provided to meet your unique wellness needs.
**If you are managing a chronic condition, you may require increasing the elimination phase to 60 or 90 days.

Phases 1 Includes:

  • 170+ Page Program Guide, an easy to follow elimination diet with scientifically backed health advice and lifestyle templates for easy implementation.
  • Weekly check-in’s via phone or video.
  • 30 Daily Emails with scientifically backed health tips, recipes, and exercises.
  • Weekly shopping list for meals throughout the week.
  • Daily virtual food journaling with daily, personalized feedback from Allyson, your health coach and nutritionist to ensure food and fitness program are meeting your unique wellness goals and health needs.

This phase focuses on ways to increase your rest and restoration.  

This is one of the most overlooked areas. You can do everything ‘right’, but not see the results you most desire if your body is stressed.  Stress comes in all shapes and sizes: work, money, family, but there is also stress from poor diet choices, exercising too hard or not getting enough restorative sleep, even a Sunday football game can cause an unhealthy stress response.  

The break-neck speed of life is not helping our health and well-being. Our attempts to use technology to help us get more done in a day and the way we carry our ‘work’ in our pocket making ourselves available 24/7, makes it really difficult to take a break from life’s stresses.  But we have to find a way because it’s destroying our wellness, and no amount of perfect dieting and exercise can undo the damage from stress.

Allyson helps you identify deeper seated stressors that are distracting or diverting you from attaining your best self and helps you adopt sustainable lifestyle habits to best support your health and well-being.

*Phase 2 is best if done with Phase 1, but if you’ve already done extensive food eliminations and not seen the benefits, then you may prefer skipping to Phase 2.

Phases 2 Includes:

  • A 45 minute Comprehensive Health History to uncover the stressors and habits impacting your wellness.
  • Weekly check-in’s via phone or video.
  • Review medical history and relevant previous lab work.
  • Review current diet and nutritional supplements.
  • Daily virtual journaling with daily, personalized feedback from Allyson to ensure food, fitness, stressor modifications, and health habits are meeting your unique wellness goals and health needs.

Third. Replenish, Day 21

Once the GI pathway is uninhibited by inflammation, toxins, and stress, your body will begin absorbing and properly utilizing the nutrients it was once depleted of.  

Once pro-inflammatory foods and unnecessary supplements are eliminated, stress minimized, restorative sleep increased, your body is ready to repair and this can be achieved through gut repairing foods like bone broth, replenishing the body with healthy bacteria from fermented foods and probiotics, as well as prebiotics to help the healthy bacteria grow and proliferate.

This phase will also include lab testing with a functional medical practitioner to identify specific deficiencies and/or conditions that need additional nutrient support to set the stage for a happy, healthy body.

True healing can take place when we provide the proper environment.

Phase 3:

  • Functional medical practitioner visit for blood, urine, and/or salivary lab testing.**
  • Review lab results and interpretations.
  • Weekly check-ins via phone or video with Allyson.
  • A 60 minute video or phone consultation to review your results and present your treatment plan.
  • Customized treatment plan including diet, supplements and lifestyle therapies.
  • Daily virtual journaling with daily, personalized feedback from Allyson to ensure your treatment plan is meeting your wellness goals and health needs.

** Functional medical practitioner visit, lab tests and supplements are an additional fee

Fourth. Reintroduce, Day 30

EveryBody is different, some will begin experiencing the benefits of the lifestyle overhaul within days, others may need 30-90 days, and chronic sufferers perhaps a year or so. But when that day comes you’ll have built such an incredible awareness around your body that when/if you decide to introduce some of the eliminated foods back to your diet, you will know immediately if those foods support or abort your newfound Health and Vitality. 

Phase 4:

  • Guided reintroduction of some of the eliminated foods with daily journaling and feedback from Allyson. 
  • Weekly check-in’s via phone or video with Allyson.
  • Customized treatment plan including diet, supplements and lifestyle therapies to continue following after the conclusion of the Life ReNewed Program.

Invest in Yourself Today for a Healthier Tomorrow!

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